
Got Lucky Today

Got Lucky Today

by | Sep 19, 2021

The Institute for Perplexive Amusement (“the Other IPA”) officially agreed to produce my new website. And fast! Being a stealth entity, they were hard to find, but the 1200 were in my court today. As a bonus, I got an answer to my second biggest question. The guy who claims to be their CWO (Chief Whimsy Officer) shared these exact words about their mascot.
“Yes, Babi Yogo is a baboon. Was, actually. He had this lovable habit of scratching his head in apparent perplexity at just about anything. Evidently humans are not alone in finding this chunk of the 21st century a source of acute bafflement. When we were shopping around for a symbol of bemused perplexity, Babi Yogo’s image came up. Fact is, we have yet to meet anybody (except maybe Stan Laurel — and we actually never met him) who does glassy-eyed perplexity with such panache. So Babi Yogo’s image has been drafted into mascot duty.”