a gift

Genesis… and Then Some

Honest truth: there’s nothing like this book in any known universe.
Genesis and Noah
Just getting your eyeballs on Lysheem’s outrageous Triplehorn Helmet should be reason enuf to download this colorful bunch of pages that you can’t buy anywhere. But because I believe you deserve an even more splendiferous reward for just existing, the Genesis PDF is a click away loaded with endless fascinations. What kinds of fascinations? You can decide for your very own self once you download it. You’ll thank yourself for taking the plunge, no signing up and no occasional notifications, alerts and whatevers. And I’ll never pillage your goodwill by selling your info or assaulting your inbox with overmuch stuffage.

How Noah Lost His Ark

As always, we clarify for the curious…the curious are the hope givers.
How Noah Lost His Ark
How Noah Lost His Ark, which explains why trying to kidnap even an innocent 17-year old wyvern is a quintessentially hazardous idea has been the most important, least asked question of modern times. Here, the author attempts to fill the void…alas, the void had other plans.